Category Archives: travel

So, camping with kids.  It seems so simple, how different could it be?   If ever you find yourself asking that question, then you are in for one heck of a ride…

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While perusing my common sources of overlandesque info, I noticed the crew over at Dirt Road Trip mention they would be at a particular set of gps coordinates July 18 and 19 if anyone else was in the area.  My interest piqued, and the research began.  It didn’t take long to locate the site at GWNF, a leisurely 3 hour drive from home.  Wanting to give the Land Cruiser a longer distance test run than I had previously, and having just completed some electrical upgrades on the trailer, this seem like a great chance to see how they would both work in the field.  Plans were made, discussions had, and the trip was a go.

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